Eliot Giuralarocca

Height: 5ft10in (177cm)

Playing Age: 42-52

Nationalities: British, Italian

Appearance: Eastern European, Mediterranean, White

Eye Colour: Brown

Hair Colour: Dark Brown

Native Accent: London, RP

Represented by Colin Blumenau
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★★★★★ "Guiralarocca’s outstanding central performance presents a man who is frightened, submissive, anguished but passionate about his bees and their honey. An outstanding piece of theatre... It’s a role as profound as any classical tragic hero and Guiralarocca is riveting with his expressive eyes and despair-laden voice".
The Stage; The Beekeeper; BlackEyed Theatre/Waterloo East Theatre
★★★★ "Eliot Giuralarocca puts in a sympathetic, compelling and deeply human performance as Stressler, whose unwavering resoluteness and resilience mirror that of the bees he loves”.
What's On Stage; The Beekeeper; BlackEyed Theatre/Waterloo East Theatre
★★★★★ "A remarkable and magnificently nuanced performance in one of Shakespeare’s great roles. Giuralarocca was so agile, his performance so well defined. A wonderful interpretation of Prospero; a magnificent central performance giving real soul to this grandiose Shakespearean drama".
Paco Inestrosa; The Tempest, UK Tour
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