The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, based on F Scott Fitzgerald’s short story, was adapted for the stage by Jethro Compton and Darren Clark. The musical, which won Best Musical Theatre Production at the 2024 Off West End Awards, is set in a Cornish fishing village and tells the story of Benjamin Button, who ages in reverse.
Award winning actor John Dagleish (Sunny Afternoon, Sylvia, Harlequinade) will star as Benjamin Button, while joining him are Matthew Burns, Jonathan Charles, Oonagh Cox, Anna Fordham, Philippa Hogg, Damien James, Ann Marcuson, Jack Quarton, and Benedict Salter, all reprising their roles from the 2023 Southwark Playhouse production. Additionally, Elliot Mackenzie joins the ensemble, with further casting to be announced later.
Playing at the Ambassador's Theatre from October 10th 2024.
Casting by Ginny Schiller.
For more information, and to book tickets - click here.